The first wallpaper was published Folz, June 24.

The second one is called KLARION and was released July 25.

The third series of wallpaper is ZUMOKI, issued August 12.

The newest wallpaper, however, was published last September 4, UBERKIS.

After the success with the first wallpaper, the designer has also launched the iPhone skin for four, affordable versions Folz, KLARION and ZUMOKI. The films are made in material quality, fit perfectly to the device and leave no residue after removal. UBERKIS version will be available beginning September 9.

You can download the wallpaper, simply click on their name. Moreover they have been specifically designed for iPhone 4 and have a resolution of 640 × 960 pixels, but can also be adapted for other devices with a sync via iTunes. Thanks, and we compliment to Arron for his fantastic wallpaper