The developer failed to implement all the news of which we have spoken, but has nonetheless decided to release the new version as it will be very useful in view of the release of Firmware 4.1, scheduled for this week .
- Added full support to IOS 4.1;
- Baseband Protection : performing a restore to 4.1 with TinyUmbrella , the baseband will be preserved and will not be updated to enable users with iPhone locked factory to make the unlock . This feature only applies to iPhone 4, as the upgrade of the baseband is handled differently for this device.
- The program is now able to capture the appropriate certificates to the device directly from Cydia in a completely automatic , although we have not saved locally, ( you must still have saved on the server Saurik )
- Edit the hosts file to automatically close the application , so as to direct iTunes to communicate with the server Saurik in subsequent restorations with SHSH saved.
You can download the new version of TinyUmbrella suitable for your operating system from Official Blog.